
how are you today? Are you OK? I hope so! Are you happy? I hope so! In this lesson.  We’re going to talk about a very fascinating part of the English language. Give mean ‘s . yes today we’re going to talk all about slang. So the first question must be. What exactly is slang? Using slang means replacing a common word or sentence with a totally new one. The use of slang has been around for many years. It’s often associated with younger people. Mainly due to the fact that each new generation wants it’s own  identity. So in many ways it would be true to say that slang defines a generation lets take a look at a simple example of slang. Can you see what I’ve got in my hand? Look! I have some money. There are many slang words that can mean money. For example we can say “cash” “dough”  “foldable stuff” “notes” “readies” “smackers” we can also use slang to express certain currencies. For example the English pound could be described as “quid” or “ nicker” so in my hand I have 20 quid the US Dollar on the other hand can be called “buck” or “green-back” so I could say in my pocket I have 20 bucks another word that has had many slang terms gives to it. Is the word “great”. For example instead of saying great, we could say “that’s ace” “that’s awesome” wicked”. These days, the most commonly used slang word for good or great is “awesome!” and “cool” between you and me, I think that’s pretty awesome. Did you know that the word “cool” has been around as a slang term for over 50 years!  So as you can see there are many slang words around. Although it’s worth rememdibering that some slang terms from years ago are no longer used today for example in the past we may have described a woman as a bird or a chick now  days these two terms are considered very offensive so if you used it today, you may get a slap in the face! Let’s take a look at some more slang words. Means to fight violently with someone or use aggressive behavior. “babe” a young attractive woman. So as you can see. The words of slam is an “awesome” and “far-out” place. Part of the fun of learning English is discovering these new expressions and widening your use of the language to fit into your everyday life
